Explanation -- For anyone else who happens upon this blog

This will be primarily (if not exclusively) used to write chapter entries for Sara's Seed, by Judith Isaacson. Amanda will be eventually responding with her views :P

Monday, December 7, 2009

Seed of Sarah - Preface- How can you smile?

This was a good lead into the story -- Gives you some of her more recent history along with brief mentions of her past. I'm anxious to hear the story that the girl with the braids asked about... Did she mean that she escaped the rape, or escaped the camp THROUGH rape? It's probably the former, but I thought I'd throw that idea out there.

"I must think about it. Yes, I'll certainly think about it."

I'm looking forward to seeing those thoughts on paper.

1 comment:

  1. as i said before, i think a lot of the smiling is hysterics.. like me when we watched those videos carter brought in! this was a really good way to lead into a book. i'm a big fan of that kind of foreshadowing.
