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This will be primarily (if not exclusively) used to write chapter entries for Sara's Seed, by Judith Isaacson. Amanda will be eventually responding with her views :P

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Chapter 5 - Humans and Apricots

Kaposvar, Hungary - June 1944

So the time for deportation has arrived... When Jutka was talking about the fruit, was she talking of her virginity or being as a whole? Her body will physically will rot in the coming conditions, but the former can and most likely will be taken from her in the coming days or weeks... When there was mention of poison earlier in the book, were they carrying it for themselves should rape be imminent, or were they going to attempt to poison their attackers?
There was so much death being discussed that day... Of fathers committing suicide, of grandfathers dying while in a coma, and of spirits taking a toll.
The young doctor and the old spinster... Married in a stable, making love in the stalls, while four other people inhabit that same small space. 5 THOUSAND witnesses to every sound made. I know they're trying to make the best of a horrible situation, but is it entirely necessary to have sex that often? And that poor old man... Blinded and broken because of a coin collection. These people are taking over a continent, and they feel the urge to torture innocent men and women further than they already intend to do for a few coins? That doesn't even to fit into their "reasons for war" list. The nazis are ruthless in their "motives" and actions. They're already putting these innocent people into concentration camps, raiding their homes, bombing their towns, and sending cartloads of young girls off to be raped and killed by their soldiers. And I know that it seems out of place for me to be talking about a man defending his coin collection while hundreds upon hundreds of young women are being raped, but rape is a part of every war... Every nation has participated in it, whether or not their like to admit it... Stripping people of their dignity seems to be a favorite of war.

1 comment:

  1. - loveee the quote. tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis.

    -i wonder how many actually escaped transport.

    - I like Biczó.

    - the apricot thing is so freakin' depressing. i mean, i know i cant expect ANYTHING happy about the holocaust.... but sheesh.

    - something to think about... if put in this situation, would you commit suicide? is suicide ever justified? i think yes. how would they poison their attackers? i mean, theres one particular method thats sticking in my head. but uh... yeah. i dont really wanna put it on here.

    - so in both books theres a bit of sex on the trains. in night its a little more vague.

    - i dont think she's talking about her virginity about th apricots. i think its more her life as a whole, considering the recent deaths.

    - and i suppose sex would be a creature comfort kind of thing. so heck, why not go at it?

    - rape does happen in every war. what i dont understand is why some prick wants to stick his wiener into something (not to dehumanize) they deemed so fundamentally bad, tehy they must be killed.
