Explanation -- For anyone else who happens upon this blog

This will be primarily (if not exclusively) used to write chapter entries for Sara's Seed, by Judith Isaacson. Amanda will be eventually responding with her views :P

Friday, December 11, 2009

Chapter 7 - A Hostile Planet

Aushwitz-Birkenau, Poland - July 1944

The girls at the latrine had a point -- You need to be strong to survive more than a short while there. The stew might be made of twigs, but at the very least they're feeding them. The poison puddle was also crafty... Who would have thought to lure people out with a necessity, only to have it be their downfall? And it worked so easily with the crowd...
Ah, the mysterious Mrs. Paskusz... Is she friend or foe? She produces news and sermons, but who is to say that she isn't one of the guards in disguise? That she isn't another Kapo in a kinder shell? There are those to trust while in the camps, and those to be cautious of. I suppose we'll have to see where her kindness leads.

1 comment:

  1. - whyyyyy are the bald women smiling? there are a couple in the front that were freakin' smiling.

    - they're already just so.... detatched it seems when they're talking about jumping in teh electric fence.

    - i think jutka and her family woulda gotten to that point mentally on their own eventually, before they died of starvation. but i suppose the latrine girls helped them allong a bit.

    - the kapos position... nowhere near that os the sonderkommandos. but nonetheless... still so.. brilliantly evil.

    - the branding/tattooing really gets to me, even if they escape the ordeal they have that... unless they remove it or have it removed. which, back then probably would mean removing the skin.

    - i'd like to think well of this paskusz woman. we'll see what comes of it.
